Harvest App: Bulk Appliance Payments in Harvest
Added functionality to apply household credit towards an appliance in a bulk amount, which will pause the automatic daily deductions (and lower the daily credit minimum) until the household is no longer ahead in their lease. When the house is behind in payments, the automatic deductions will restart automatically.
Common Scenarios To Use
- If a household wants to ensure a sum of their money goes to their appliance without worrying that this might be deducted from their total energy balance, they can allocate a bulk amount of credit towards an appliance.
- To charge a down-payment or upfront amount towards an appliance when it is installed.
- Using the Harvest Mobile App, access the household's page, by clicking the "House" button in the bottom right.
- Open the "Appliances" menu
- Click the "Apply credit to balance" button which opens page to input the amount that the household wants to pay towards the appliance.
- When the amount is reviewed and submitted, a household with receive an SMS confirmation.
The SMS will contain the remaining balance to be paid on the appliance and the number of days before the automatic billing will restart.
Cash must be converted to Household Credit FIRST, via normal topup collection. Credit can then be transferred to the appliance
All appliances should stay as ACTIVE, and only be moved to inactive (via an Okra Support Request), when an appliance should not be billed at all (i.e. broken, removed)
When a household pays a bulk amount, their daily appliance payment will skip, for as many days into the future that they are in their lease. See the section below for more explanation of what ahead vs. behind in lease payments looks like.
Clarified terminology
Household Credit: the money sitting in that households account.
Top-ups: previously in the app as “payments”, referring to cash collected.
Appliance (remaining) Balance: Amount that is still outstanding to finish paying off that appliance
Ahead vs. Behind in Lease Payments?
- A household is considered "ahead" or "behind" in payments, based on how many days into their lease have passed and how much of the appliance lease they have repaid.
- When a house is "ontime" or "behind", they will automatically be billed every day for their appliance. When a house is "ahead" their appliance billing will pause, but it will automatically restart when they are back on-time with their lease.
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