Harvest Mobile App is currently not on the Google Play Store or Apple Store. It operates only on Android devices and runs only on Google Chrome. To download the mobile app, navigate to m.harvest.okrasolar.com and download the app from there.
Listen to Kenneth explain in more detail to you how to get the app.
You will not find the Harvest Mobile App on the Google Store. You will navigate to m.harvest.okrasolar.com and download the app from there. Listen to Kenneth explain in more detail to you how to get the app.
If you haven't already, download the Mobile App at m.harvest.okrasolar.com (detailed instructions) Click on the signup button Give app permission to use location Fill out signup form and submit The signup item will show green on the main activity ...
When an action is done within the Mobile App (collect a payment, signup a household, complete a Todo, etc...), the activity stream (click the centre button on the bottom navigation bar) will keep a record of the activity and indicate the status of ...
Overview Added functionality to apply household credit towards an appliance in a bulk amount, which will pause the automatic daily deductions (and lower the daily credit minimum) until the household is no longer ahead in their lease. When the house ...
The tool to be used: Harvest Mobile This article is written to help the Support Team know how to add a new material to a house while using the tool that is the Harvest mobile application. You will need this information before adding a new material to ...