Equipment Management & Tracking

Equipment Management & Tracking


This feature links panels, batteries, and inverters to installed houses, which means there is better data to support warranty claims and easier to track removals and replacements for reliability. The behavior of this feature should feel quite similar to the features for managing pods.

Key Scenarios To Use
  1. During removal or replacement of a panel, battery, inverter for warranty claims:
  1. Removing the asset via the app is an required step for filing warranty claims.
  2. This feature links the broken equipment to all the corresponding field data the pod has been collecting. If you submit a warranty claim without it, we will require you to go back and complete this step. To do so, in the app pull up a house, click the equipment menu and follow the steps the app walks you through (scanning the old/new equipment, updating the capacities of the assets).
  3. The best way to ensure this is to use the Todos to instruct the LMA to add/remove/replace equipment. The todo will prompt the LMA to use this equipment feature.
  1. During install, removal, or replacement of any panel, battery, inverter after the initial Pod installation.
  1. The best way to ensure this is to use the Todos to instruct the LMA to add/remove/replace equipment. The todo will prompt the LMA to use this equipment feature.
Additional Notes
  1. Future equipment will have easier to scan barcodes. If you are having trouble scanning the barcode of an old equipment, you can manually type in the serial number. 
More Images / Diagrams

  1. When actioning a todo, you have Pod options and Equipment options right away

  1. In case a barcode cannot be scanned, there is a manual input option

  1. If the equipment scanned is an Okra barcode, the App will prefill information about the equipment. The App asks the user to confirm what the total capacity remains installed on that pod, in case there have been any errors in the past. This value is sent to the Pod and ensures algorithms and charging happen correctly.

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