Harvest Desktop Pages
- Overview - See an overview of the customer's entire portfolio, starting with Financial analyses like Average Revenue per User (ARPU). The Performance tab shows metrics related to utilization, uptime, and no credit to highlight where revenue losses might be coming from. The Assets tab shows a summary of all deployed assets, a map view of the entire portfolio, appliances, and a record of installations over time.
- Villages - By village, see a performance dashboard with various metrics for the installations, filterable by date range. The Map tab shows signups and installs based on their location, with blue grid lines to indicate approximate meshgrid cables. The Signups and Installs tabs show household data in table form. The Installs tab breaks down households by billing status (Active, No-Credit, Removed).
- Maintenance - By village, see the top automatically detected "Insights", indicated issues in the field. "Insights" can be converted to field "Todos" via the green Action button on an Insight. Todos can be assigned to field agents, and will show up in their Harvest field app to be completed. New Todos can be created on the Todo tab, independent from Insights.
- Products - Register of all products linked to this customer, filterable by village. Use the "All villages" to find uninstalled products. Analytics button pulls up detailed view of live data publishing from that product.
- Packages - View, create, and edit energy packages. View appliances and appliance billing details.
- Billing - Manage revenues and cash owed by agents. View household top-ups, current balances and appliance repayments. Create new remittances when cash is received from an agent to clear the agent to receive more topups.
- Reporting - View and export tables of data or more detailed/customizable analytics.
- Users - See a list of all users (desktop and mobile) and send invite/password emails. Use the "Edit" button to set or remove a user's cash collection limit.
How do I export data out of a chart?
Most charts in Harvest can be exported by clicking on the title, clicking "Inspect" and clicking "Data".
Export chart data to CSV- Can I sort or filter any of the charts?
Yes! Click the column titles to sort tables, and click the filter icon next to column titles to focus the table to selected data (i.e. filter the topups table to just show all topups from a single household)
- Where can I see the current balance of all users?
On the billing page, the bottom right chart lists the package, the current balance, and remaining appliance payments for each household.
- Where did the "Export village data" and "Export historical payment data" buttons go?
Those reports were not flexible and weren't optimized to export longer timeframes. You can find both these reports in the "Reporting" page.
- What is the difference between top-ups and revenue?
Top-ups are the cash households have converted to "credit" in their Okra account. Revenue is counted from energy and appliance charges, which is when a household's credit is deducted and spent.
- Why does a household have a negative balance?
Through boosting, it's possible for a household to consume more energy than they have credit to pay for, so when Okra's billing logic triggers at midnight, the house ends up with a negative balance. The house will be disabled until they pay off the negative value and add sufficient positive credit to unlock their system again.
- How do I understand what all the charts mean? What does this chart mean or how was it calculated?
Look for the "info" icon at the top left of a bunch of charts and hover over it. This should provide more context for the chart. If there is no info button and a chart is confusing, please ask for support and we'll make sure to add a description asap!
- How do "todos" on Harvest get closed once they are assigned to the field agent?
Todos can only be closed via the Harvest mobile app. Errors will stop appearing on the Insights page (Maintenance) while there are open Todos on a household. When the Todo is closed, you will know if the issue is fixed based on whether any new errors/Insights appear. If you want to close a todo yourself, it must first be assigned to you via the Maintenance page on Harvest Desktop. On the Maintenance page, click "Field Todos" at the top of the page under the village name. Find the relevant issue/todo and click the "edit" button on the right. Re-assign the todo to yourself and it will now show up in your Harvest Mobile app. From the app, you may close the todo.
- How is the "Apprx. Lost Revenue From Offline Pods" calculated?
Houses that come online intermittently can usually still be billed. And kWh households can even be back-billed 3 days, so a 1-2 day outage should not result in lost revenue. This calculation is based on all the instances we never billed a household due to it being offline compared against the expected number of energy bills for that time period. This is an approximation because it does not take into account how much revenue each household is contributing, and is treating every house as an average.
- What does "quality of service" mean?
Quality of Service are classifications based on a households blackouts and comms outages.
- Poor quality means >1.2 hrs daily blackouts OR <60% comms uptime.
- Average quality means >0.5 hrs daily blackouts OR < 80% data uptime.
- Good quality means >0.25 hrs daily blackouts OR < 90% data uptime.
- Great quality is anything higher
- How is utilization calculated?
Utilization is calculated based on the energy package of a household. Each package has a daily Wh allowance, so utilization is the ratio of energy consumed to energy allowance for a household. Average utilization is based on the average daily utilization over a time range.
- Why should I contact support@okrasolar.com?
You should always reach out to support or use the support WhatsApp group to get the direct help from your account manager. The chatbot does not know who you are, so Okra monitors chat conversations and updates answers when the chatbot doesn't know how to help you, but reaching out for more support will ensure we definitely give you the customized support you need!
- Why do my dashboards look squashed, or loading strangely, or different to what Okra is showing me?
It's probably related to the zoom level of your screen. You might need to try zooming out your browser and refreshing.
- Where can I find a list of houses without credit?
On the Overview page, Performance dashboard, there is a list of all homes currently without credit and the number of days they haven't had credit. Also on the Villages page, Installs tab, you can see households in the "No Credit" state.
- How can I find all households who are leasing appliances?
On the Billing Page, the "Household's Current Package, Credit, Appliances Balance" chart shows what houses still have balance left to pay on their appliances.
- How can I the current credit of all houses?
On the Billing Page, the "Household's Current Package, Credit, Appliances Balance" chart shows the current credit of each household for that Desco.
- How can I find a list of all houses offline?
On the Villages Page, on the Performance dashboard, the "Avg. Daily Performance Metrics (Outages, Utilization)" chart shows the amount of time each pod is averaging offline each day. You can sort the table by "Comms Offline Hrs" by clicking the title of that column until it sorts from highest to lowest.
- Does ARPU include households that have never topped up?
All households that have a billing start date, meaning they are installed and should be generating revenue for the customer, will be included in the ARPU calculations.
- Misc Terminology
- Household Credit: the amount of credit a household has topped up and is remaining on their account. When a household's credit is lower than 1 days worth of charges (including appliance charges and what a full day's worth of electricity charges would be), the household will be disabled and in "No Credit" state until they top up again.
- Daily Limit: the watt-hour (Wh) limit a household is allowed to consume each day, based on their energy packages. Sometimes this limit can be exceeded using "boost", if the developer has set a "boost rate" for the package. Boosting is achieved on the Pod itself, a household clicks a button to boost and then they can continue to use more power (as long as power is available in the network).