Harvest App: Removing & Replacing a Pod

Harvest App: Removing & Replacing a Pod

Tools we use: Harvest Mobile
This document is written to provide training for the Support team so that they know better how to uninstall a Pod with Harvest. We explain all the details to uninstall a Pod. Before uninstalling a device, the following information must be verified:
  1. “Pod" you are uninstalling (Removing).
  2. Alias/Name of the house where we are uninstalling (Removing) the "Pod".
  3. New Pod to be installed.
Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Open the Mobile Application called “Harvest”.
  2. Click on the button labeled "House" at the bottom right.

  1. Enter the home's “Alias” and select it

  1. When the "home profile" appears and select “Installations”

  1. Select “Modify Installation” and then select “Remove/Replace Equipment”

  1. Select the Pod and scan the QR code of the pod to be removed.
  2. Scan the "QR code" on the "Pod" to be used as a replacement
  3. Select the reason to uninstall (Remove) the “Pod” and an explanation 
  4. Click on "Save".

Note: This document is only for uninstalling and replacing a pod.

Watch this video to see how to uninstall a Pod: How to Uninstall/Remove a Pod
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