Harvest Desktop: Understanding Okra Automated Insights

Harvest Desktop: Understanding Okra Automated Insights

When you are reviewing an insight on the Okra Harvest Maintenance page, this guide can help give a little more background as to what each insight means, and what behaviour triggered it.

  1. You can review live data from each house by clicking on the "Details" button. 

  1. A new window will open and show this data, along with some metrics at the top to tell you how the system has been performing.

  1. You can use this table to show you what are the underlying problems that trigger each insight.
Power Outage Predicted 
1.) Full battery charges not hit, across the village.
2.) Panels are underperforming, across the village.
3.) Surface radiation (available solar) is weak, across the village

Cell Network Outage
1.) No data received, across the village.

Clean or relocate Panel
1,) Panel is not generating at all
2.) Battery state of charge is getting lower and lower each day, not recharging. 
3.) Loads are disabled due to low battery
4.) Battery full-charge state is not hit
5.) Panel is underperforming 
Panel power seems to be lower than normal.
Battery Power Leak
1.) More power is going into the battery than the Pod is measuring coming out --> this implies power theft. 
Suspected power theft
Fixed faulty wiring (load)
1.) Load errors
2.) Sudden no power consumption (not a broken pod)
Could indicate bad load wiring / a short circuit.
Fixed faulty wiring (solar)
1.) Panel errors
2.) Panel not generating (not a broken pod)
Could indicate bad solar wiring / a short circuit.
Fixed faulty wiring ( grid)
1.) Grid errors
2.) No grid power
3.) Grid voltage too low
Could indicate bad grid wiring / a short circuit.
  1. And you can use this table for common approaches to solve these types of problems in the field.
Possible ReasonPossible Solutions
Suspected power theft1.) Household is drawing power out of the battery directly, not from the Pod.
1.) The LMA can visit the household to see if there is any obvious power theft (i.e. wiring directly to the battery, not coming out of the Pod's load terminals.
2.) LMA should instruct the household that we can detect power theft and their system will be removed if they continue stealing power.
No data received, pod is offline.
1.) Dead spot
2.) Low connectivity
3.) Pod is off
4.) Antenna not installed correctly
1.) Check if the house is a dead spot or low connectivity if this is the case install antenna extension cable and put the antenna on the roof.
2.) Reset the pod by pressing the pod reset button or unplug the pod from the battery and panel, wait for 5 seconds and plug it in again.
3.) Check if the antenna is installed properly.
4.) If the pod is off check the battery fuse if its broken, and replace with a new one if needed.
Panel not generating power.
1.) Panel wire is broken
2.) if you are using the MC4 Connectors corrosion is sometimes a problem
3.) Pod could be broken
1.) Unplug the solar wire from the terminal and check the voltage coming from the panel.
2.) Check if the wire is broken or cut if yes connect the wire
3.) Clean the MC4 connector or replace it with new if there is a corrosion.
4.) Check the voltage directly at the panel cables and if voltage is high but still not drawing power when plugged into the pod, then pod could be broken.
Full charge not hit, across the village
1.) Dusty or dirty panels on most of the houses. This is common if the area is sandy or it is dry season.
2.) The vegetation is growing and most of the panels are being shaded.
3.) Bad weather conditions, especially in wet season
1.) Clean or relocate the panel to get maximum sun during the day.
2.) Increase the capacity of the panel if the load is increasing.
3.) Check surrounding for any trees or plans that blocks the sunlight from reaching the panel, and make sure the panel will get direct sunlight for 5hrs a day minimum.
4.) Check the weather status to see if it could be beneficial to deploy a generator.
Panel Under performing (village wide)

Surface radiation weak (village wide)
1.) Bad weather
2.) Dirty panel surface
1.) Clean panel 
2,) Check weather 
No data received  (village wide)
1.) Cell service provider issue 
1.) Contact cell service provider
Repeated Blackout 
1.) Battery is damaged

2.) System is not drawing power from solar panel

3.) Battery tampering

4.) Customer is frequently using boost feature 
1.) Check the the battery performance (i.e. if the battery is being discharged faster than expected due to the load). Okra can help with this analysis.

2.) Unplug the solar wire from the terminal and measure the voltage on the solar panel cables. If it is not above the battery voltage, conduct panel maintenance or replace panel.

3.) Physical inspection of the battery to look for signs of tampering. Reseal the battery and and educate the customer that their system will be removed if they do it again.

4.) If using boost frequently, recommend to the end user to upgrade their package to a higher one and ensure their panels/batteries are upsized as needed.

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