How to use Okra Maintenance - Insights

How to use Okra Maintenance - Insights

The remote monitoring data from each pod is very useful, but if you have hundreds or thousands of systems deployed, you can't review each system manually. Okra Harvest can automate this step, as it automatically reviews the data from each pod and presents to you the most pressing issues happening in all of your villages.
  1. Go to Harvest Desktop and click on "Maintenance" on the left sidebar.

  1. Once on the Maintenance page, you'll see a stream of "Insights" which are when our system has flagged that something might be wrong with a Pod. You can select by village.
  1. See what each insight means to help you diagnose problems.
  2. With each insight, you have 2 main options. The first is to "dismiss" it, the second is to "action" it.
  3. If you dismiss it, it will remove it from your stream and help you focus on the important issues left. Insights that are not dismissed will prevent further related insights from triggering on that house, so it is advised to dismiss insights if they're not relevant.
  4. If you action it, you are creating a "work order" or a "Todo" as we call them in Harvest. These Todo's can be passed to your LMAs, who can action and capture the work directly in the field. When you click "Action" you will have the ability to fill out field instructions, the priority of the task, and assign it directly to whichever field staff.

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