Local Maintenance Agent

Local Maintenance Agent

What is the local Maintenance Agent?

The Local Maintenance Agent (LMA) is a community level hire that all Mesh-grid developers hire to manage their on-the-ground activities. They are typically a beneficiary of the Network themselves.

In traditional mini-grids, the operation of the grid typically needs to be done by a technician / trained professional who is licensed to manage & operate the Network due to the risk of harm associated.

Okra Mesh-grids are DC distribution Networks operating in the Extra Low Voltage (ELV) range <50V which pose a low risk of harm. This means that developers using mesh-grids are able to provide training to a resource within the community they are electrifying and have them maintain, operate and install the Networks safely.

πŸ’‘ This is especially powerful in combination with the Harvest Platform and simplicity of the System which means 99.9% of problems can be detected remotely and resolved by the LMA (as long as there are spares & parts available).

      Figure: Local Maintenance Agent (Cambodia) has been working for approx. 2 years

Role & Responsibility

The job of the agent on the ground depends on how involved the Developer themselves wants to be in the operation of the Network. It can go from very minimum involvement, wherein the LMA only manages top-ups or is a so-called Payment Collection Agent (PCA) up until maximum involvement in a Community Operator Model whereby the LMA has essentially full control of the Network.

The following are activities & processes that occur within the sustained operation of a mesh-grid network. For clarity the distinction between what is typically managed by the LMA vs. what is managed remotely is captured:

Harvest Manager / Remote Team
Okra Support
Main Tools
Harvest Desktop Platform
Harvest Mobile
Harvest Mobile

Topping up users

Receives Canary Email

Raising Work Tickets

Completing work tickets / recording resolution


Claiming warranty

Removals from the Platform

Changing Energy Allowance

Providing Appliance Financing on Harvest

Remittance of Cash / Set Float to Zero

Network Optimization

Okra Support Queries

Create a new Energy Allowance Package

Create a new Appliance for Financing

Cut-off access to power for end users

Removing components & recording on Harvest


Inventory Management
βœ… (Office inventory)
βœ… ( Field Inventory)

Typical Remuneration

The amount to pay the agent depends on the Developer’s target for operational expenses in their financial model. However how there have been several options for how the payments have been structured in the past to incentivize different behaviors.

Monthly salary

The agent is paid a fixed amount every month. This amount does not depend on how much work they do. This model will lead to the Agent being more available as they will learn to depend on this salary.

Tickets/Action based salary

In this model the agent is paid based on how many different Tickets they completed in each month. This commission model can be easily used, because the Harvest Manager who is looking at the data can easily track what tasks they asked them to do on Harvest. However this model can lead to slow response times as the Agent will often prioritize other work over network management.

This model can be further expanded to provide Commission to the agent to go around selling Appliances to the household on an ongoing basis. Doing this increases the electrical power demand of each household on top of revenues collected through margin on the Appliance.

Transaction-Fee based Salary

This model can be used specifically for Payment Collection Agents or in Networks where there just isn’t much to do or when the Financial Model needs the operational expense to be very low. In this case, the Developer allows the LMA to collect a fixed fee every time a household tops-up. This incentivizes households to top up larger amounts at once & also incentivizes the Agent to go and chase households to top-up when they haven’t. In addition this means that this payment to the LMA comes from the user as opposed to the Developer.

Ideal Profile

  • Ideally someone based permanently in the community
  • Somebody who works in the Community all day [e.g. Shop-owner / keeper]
  • Somebody who is known by everyone
  • Preferably involved in the installation process
  • This type of Job is typically not taken by women but it can be and it would be great to encourage more women to do it. In our experience women are more longer term reliable then men.
  • Trustworthy (with Money)

Tools required

Depends on defined activities

  • Android Smart phone
  • Multimeter with diode function
  • Drill & Bit
  • Electrical Tape
  • Screwdriver Set
  • Plier
  • Spares Inventory [Pods, Battery, Inverters, Cables, Lighting. Terminal Lugs, Electrical Tape, Screws]
  • PPE (Hand gloves, Safety shoes, Eye Protection)


Depending on the plans of the Developer for scale, LMA’s who have proven themselves can be made themselves into Harvest Maintenance Managers and manage other LMAs from other Networks or take entire control of their Network and simply send Revenues on a recurring basis to the Developer. This full ownership would free up resources of the Developer allowing them to focus elsewhere. Using the Harvest Platform and through the infusion of more Cash the Agent can make independent decisions to further boost revenues by shuffling systems around to make sure that the right systems are in households that are maximizing their use and also subcontract tasks and activities to other people in the community to amplify output.

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