Managing Cash Collections in Harvest Mobile

Managing Cash Collections in Harvest Mobile


As field agents collect cash from households, it is important for everyone to have clear visibility on where that money is at all times, both for the agent to keep on top of the money they owe back to the grid owners and for the grid owners to have visibility over where all their outstanding revenue is at any given time. The goal is to  increase trust/confidence around payments and the security of payment history in the hands of each agent, and ensure smoother, reliable reconciliation.
  • Collections = Name of all movements of cash related to an agent

  • Remittance = Money an agent deposits/transfers back to the grid owner

  • Cash Owed = Money an agent owes back to the grid owner, from receiving payments.


Key Scenarios To Use

  1. For payment agents (or LMAs / field teams), within the Mobile App
  1. As they collect cash, they can click the $ icon in the bottom menu and see a ledger of all cash they have collected that our cloud has successfully processed. The green bar at the top highlights how much cash the agent owes back to the grid owner at any time.
  2. The collections ledger also shows "Remittances" which indicate when cash has been received by the grid owner. Negative values are remitted cash, or cash given back to the owner. Positive values are cash payments collected by the agent.
  1. For grid owners / management team, on Harvest Desktop
  1. Monitor how much cash has been collected by each agent.
  2. Log remitted cash to Okra (remittance logging not yet available in Harvest, so you need to send a support ticket for now)
Additional Notes
  • The “cash owed” balance is only accurate if you track when you receive cash from agents (the remittances) and communicate that to Okra (current solution) or log it yourself in Harvest (future).

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