Pod Buttons

Pod Buttons

A guide to help you understand what different button presses mean. The top button is referred to as button 1, middle button is button 2, and the bottom button is button 3.

Basic Screens

“Daily Usage” screen: shows a % progress bar against the user’s current package allowance.
  1. prepaid mode: this screen represents the % progress towards their daily limit, where at 100% all load ports will be switched off.
  2. postpaid mode: this screen represents daily usage as a % of the user’s average daily allowance. For example, if the user has been put on a postpaid package of 6kWh per month, 100% on this screen will represent 6 / 30 = 0.2kWh per day.
  3. If there is no daily limit set, the device load ports will continue to operate, and the counter will show >100%.
Balance screen:
  1. prepaid mode this shows the number of credit days the user has left, and their balance in local currency.
  2. postpaid mode this shows the number of days since the user’s last bill payment, and the amount they are currently owing.

Technicians Menu

An expanded range of options and functionality, not designed for the household to interact with. Pages include prod port status, set battery variant, signal strength test, safe mode, sleep, and nano ate. Many of these are only needed in specific debugging scenarios.
  1. To enter this menu, hold buttons 2&3 for 5 seconds

Enable/Disable Productive Port

For safety, pods that haven't been properly wired into the productive port by the installer, can have their prod port left disabled. Or vice versa, if a pod's productive port seems to be disabled and it needs to be enabled, follow this step.
  1. Enabling/Disabling the prod port can be done using the UI buttons, to enable hold down BUTTON_1 & BUTTON_3 for 10 seconds.
  2. The Prod load port LED will flash green three times to indicate it’s been enabled.
  3. Do the same to disable and the Prod load port LED will flash red 3 times.

Self Test

Not required to be run in the field, the self test is primarily used during manufacturing and assembly to confirm the pod is ready to be deployed.
  1. Hold button 1 for 3 seconds

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