Pod Troubleshooting

Pod Troubleshooting

Is your Pod turning on? 
  1. If yes:
    1. Check harvest data for any Insights (on the maintenance page) or errors on the Grafana Dashboard. They are clues of what has gone wrong!
    2. You can also use the Nano - ATE device for a quick check. It should tell you what is going wrong. Make sure your Firmware have been updated to v 1-20-0 and that you have a Nano - ATE Device
  2. If no:
    1. Do a fuse check first of all. You will need a Diode function multimeter. This is shown in the video. 
    2. The video below shows you how to swap a fuse on the Okra Pod. All the fuses except for the Battery fuse can be swapped without opening the Pod. The Battery fuse requires you to open up the Pod as shown on the second video 

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